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July 10, 2023

JuicyAds Launches New Marketplace

VANCOUVER – Digital advertising network JuicyAds announced today that it has “rebuilt and streamlined its marketplace with fully accurate filtering and advanced search to help advertisers find the perfect spot.”

“We re-coded the marketplace from the ground up,” said JuicyAds Jay, the company’s CEO & Founder. “Transparency, efficiency and accuracy is our goal with these newest updates. There has been an enormous amount of hard work put into platform updates over the last few years to improve the client experience for both Publishers and Advertisers. However, we are also working hard to provide Advertisers with more power to make the best decisions possible instead of guessing or blindly buying traffic.”

In the announcement, the company said the new ‘marketplace’ on the JuicyAds platform is “the interface to purchase flat-rate banner ad spots by time, in 7-days, 14-days, or 30-day segments, with infinite renewal terms.”

According to JuicyAds, the revamped marketplace “greatly reduces searching and browsing by advertisers, by allowing them to quickly narrow down available space.” Along with new data metrics, the enhanced platform “enables faster and more informed buying decisions by Advertisers” with new properties on the network “highlighted for easy discovery.”

Filtering and searching options include by keyword (allowing quick search of website titles and content), price (to show only adzones within your price range or budget) CPC, views, clicks, content rating, website type, niche, ad type (If you want a specific type of size of ad, like only 300250 or 900250 billboards), device %, and country search. Sorting options include by newest websites, views, clicks, price, CPC, and feedback score.

JuicyAds said one feature of “high benefit to advertisers” is the ability to search by country and websites with the highest percentage of traffic will show up first. For example, searching for “Germany” will yield the websites with the highest concentration of German impressions first.

The new features include the “Favorites” system, which replaces the old Watchlist system, which only allowed notifications for ad spots when they were sold out. The new feature allows advertisers to create a nearly unlimited number of lists to organize their media buying in any way they desire, for sold and unsold spots.

JuicyAds has revised its advertiser dashboard, as well, previously known as the “Manage My Ads” section. The update to dashboard enables sorting by all fields including SiteID, Ad#, ZoneID, Price, Traffic, and Expiry Date (perfect for checking which ads are nearest to expiration). Each flat-rate ad spot features a quick-view statistics summary with an expandable breakdown that provides detailed stats with a single click – and handy spacing between each ad section.

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