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February 18, 2022

Rant: Hollywood’s Version of the Adult Industry is a Beast

Hollywood’s a funny beast. And by Hollywood, I mean the studio system – the massive machine that churns out super entertaining movies that audiences shell out their hard-earned cash to see. It’s a funny beast because it likes to portray itself as hip, open-minded and forward-thinking. One that supports freedom of speech and often creates stories to challenge viewers’ perceptions.

But for all its appearance, this seemingly liberal beast is incredibly conservative when it comes to sex – which is ironic, because Hollywood makes no secret that it uses sex to sell – not only in movies but in marketing. So, on the one hand they’ve got all kinds of rules and standards on how it’s portrayed – not just MPAA standards – but self-imposed standards (such as frontal nudity – especially for men), and on the other they flaunt sex by promoting it any way they can.

This is especially true of how they portray the adult industry. Hollywood loves to pepper films with clichés that coincide with mainstream America’s viewpoint that the industry is immoral. They draw in the masses who won’t admit they’re fascinated with sex workers then assuage their guilt by feeding them their favorite storyline of the poor little porn star that needs to be saved.

Ten classic scenarios:

1. Naïve girl fresh to Hollywood – Gonna be a star! Unfortunately, she’s hoodwinked by a slimy adult film producer. Must turn to porn.

2. Broke – She’s got no skills, no job opportunities and rent’s due. Must turn to porn.

3. Addicted to drugs – Strung out junkie will do anything for the next fix. Must turn to porn.

4. Molested as child – Can’t keep a “real” job because head is so messed up about sex. Must turn to porn.

5. Forced into it – Girlfriend must take her clothes off in front of camera or be beat up by abusive boyfriend. Must turn to porn.

6. Stupid – He’s hot, so hot, so very hot, did we mention he’s hot? Problem is, he’s as hot as he is stupid. Must turn to porn.

7. Ignorant (not to be confused with stupid) – Exceptionally sweet, angelic, pretty, little thing hails from the Ozarks. Doesn’t have a lick of education. Must turn to porn.

8. Sex Addict – Thinks about sex 24/7, has unusual appetite for sex. Must turn to porn.

9. Confused – Shows up to audition for movie. Must take clothes off to get job. Ends up turning to porn.

10. No Talent – Can’t book a “real” acting job because they suck but has hot bod and good at sex. Must turn to porn.

The problem with these portrayals is that they confirm stereotypes that those in the business are not all together mentally, are unable to make their own choices, are weak and easily manipulated, low-class, or of course, my favorite, downright stupid. Perhaps most troubling, is these scenarios paint a picture that no one who goes into the adult industry actually chooses the career and that’s simply not true.

Whatever the case, one could argue that this rant should not be condemning Hollywood, but mainstream society – the true beast. Hollywood must sell tickets to survive and to sell tickets they’ve got to appeal to what is accepted… or do they? Hollywood has a history of underestimating its audience. It would be refreshing to see them take a chance and stop regurgitating these old and haggard stories. Unfortunately, I think we can safely say that’s not gonna happen. They’ll continue to milk these tried-and-true scenarios until society’s viewpoints on the adult industry changes – much like viewpoints needed to change on how blacks, gays and transgender people were portrayed on celluloid before it became politically incorrect. Unfortunately for now, one can bet that Hollywood will stick to their formula because they’ve got one that works.

Hollywood image by Rafal Maciejski – Pexels

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