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February 08, 2022

The Adult Industry Market Predicted to be Worth $300 Billion by 2030

A new report released January 31, by Transparency Market Research (TMR) offered good news for the adult industry by estimating that the global market would be worth $300 billion by 2030 and would experience approximately 5% compound annual growth rate.

What’s shocking about these numbers is not how healthy they are – everyone knows pornography is lucrative – they’re shocking because of the significant roadblocks the adult industry has faced since its inception. From unfair legislation to discrimination from payment providers, social media sites and more, you can’t keep it down. It not only survives but thrives.

This is in part to the creative minds and vision behind performers and businesses who must continually seek unique ways to bring their product to market. Frustration at being shut out of mainstream opportunities has had a silver-lining – its forced the industry to be innovative and find new ways to engage audiences and monetize content.

What doesn’t break us makes us stronger.

That includes the pandemic. According to the report, Covid was a catalyst for more performers to launch websites and become their own bosses. They took on the risk of being entrepreneurs but gained the reward of not having to share income with the studios or clubs that previously employed them. TMR also made the point that new technologies have been embraced by the adult industry which has made it possible to deliver high-quality homemade videos. Amateurs are looking less amateur every day.

The influx of new adult sites was a huge piece of pie in driving industry revenue. This is backed up by the researchers who published the “Porndemic” Report confirming online pornography use spiked during Covid. Not surprising to the adult industry and its supporters but most likely extremely surprising to those who love to say “porn destroys your brain,” it also confirmed that no one was hurt by all this juicy online content.

Another interesting fact TMR discovered was that the adult film industry is now catering to more niche audiences and have jumped into the genre game by producing horror, action, thrillers and more. These movies demand higher prices and more income is obtained. This is contributing to the robust growth as well, not to mention the numerous special award shows and expos that the industry is known for.

Finally, TMR broke down prominent regions in the adult market, proving that business is alive and well across the world. Asia Pacific took home a major share in 2019 and TMR predicts that their demand for adult entertainment products coupled with changing government rules and regulations will be the main driver to impact growth. Other notable areas include South America which is expected to expand at a CAGR of 3.2%, Brazil which is projected at a CAGR of 3.4% and South Africa – an emerging market – which is predicted to rise at an even higher pace “due to the high purchasing power of people.”

The full Transparency Market Research Report can be purchased here for more in-depth insights.

Rural image by Lukas from Pexels

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