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December 03, 2021

Q&A with Emily Jones on Her Chaturbate Record-Setting Stream

For as long as humans have been entertaining each other, be it through sport, dance, or virtually any other activity, we have probably also been keeping, setting and breaking records that mark the achievements of sports figures, entertainers and others who endeavor to do that which has never been done before.

Cam performer Emily Jones recently took on the challenge of setting the record for the longest continuous streaming session by an individual performer on the Chaturbate platform, clocking an amazing 28 straight hours of streaming.

After she had recovered from her marathon streaming session, YNOT sat down with Emily to talk about her experience in setting the record – and what inspired her to undertake such a daunting feat in the first place.

YNOT: This had to be an exhausting thing to do; was there ever a point when you weren’t sure you’d make it through to the full 28 hours?

Emily: It was totally exhausting. The first 10 hours, weirdly enough, went by so fast! It was at the 11-hour mark that I really started to hit a wall. It was probably around 12am that I thought I wouldn’t make it through. I was so tired, and my equipment was starting to overheat a bit. I thought I was done for. The only thing that saved me was the help of my viewers who encouraged me to try and get up and be physical! For the next, and I am not kidding here, 7 HOURS we tried to learn that Tik Tok dance called the “Renegade.” It was so hard! But the challenge and movement really got me out of my funk.

YNOT: What was the most challenging aspect of streaming for 28 hours? Was it the sheer physical challenge, or was mental fatigue more of a factor than physical?

Emily: The mental fatigue was way harder than the physical toll. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was for sure feeling the heat from down under. But the mental ability to stay alert, entertaining, keep an eye on your equipment, stare at harsh lights, make sure everything is fun and enjoyable, that was the hardest part. Because first and foremost we are entertainers, and I personally always want to make every second of my streams enjoyable for those watching.

YNOT: What inspired you to take on this challenge?

Emily: I was actually at the bookstore and saw those Guiness Book of World Records you know? And I hadn’t thought of it right then, but that same day I saw a couple stream that were going on like hour 20 of their show! And it all started to click like, I wonder how long one person has streamed on Chaturbate before? So, I immediately emailed Shirley (Lara, COO of Chaturbate) and asked if they had the data on it yet. She had said that from their side of Chaturbate they knew of a few broadcasters who had done up to 25 hours. So, I said bet I can do that! And I set out to make a new title.

YNOT: Anything you’d like to add about the experience that we didn’t touch on above?

Emily: Yes! I want to say that if you are a performer who wants to try and beat my number then go for it!! I highly encourage every streamer try this at least once, it was so much fun to do! I built bonds with so many new people and really felt like I was hosting a mini party on Chaturbate. So, don’t be shy and if you wanna try to do it for yourself let me know and I can give you some tips and tricks on how to get through it! Be careful, keep yourself fed and hydrated, and don’t push yourselves too hard! Lastly, thank you to all of my viewers and those who tried their hardest to stay will me the whole night. You guys are the only reason I made it! Love you lots! Go Jaybirds!

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