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September 28, 2021

Adult Time Animation: Not Your Typical Saturday Morning ‘Toons

Bugs Bunny and Tweety Bird they ain’t. With animated series like Hentai Sex School, F.U.T.A. Sentai Squad (Lesbian/Fighting Sex Robots), and All My Mother’s Love (Futanari), Adult Time is taking adult cartoons to a whole new level – and it’s all because of the fans.

According to Adult Time Marketing Director Frank Stacy, his web site ventured into animated content as an experiment.

“I was heavily involved in the creation of the second wave of Adult Time Original series (Girlcore Season 2, Under The Bed, Bubblegum Dungeon) and we were very interested in creating an animated project from scratch, working closely with animators but also with popular performers,” he said. “The popularity of the content took us by surprise and the results prompted us to come up with ideas for more series. The vision for F.U.T.A. Sentai Squad (our second original series) was created and greenlit less than two weeks after the first episode of Hentai Sex School was released.”

Today, Adult Time offers both originally produced and third-party animated content on AdultTime.com.

“We released our first Adult Time Pilot in June this year and the prototype was for a 2D animation series called Bambi Fontaine’s Midnight Stories, developed with French mainstream animation company Bobbypills, which has produced content like Crisis Jung or Peepoodo & The Super Fuck Friends (available on Adult Time as well),” said Stacy. “In terms of our audience target, we are really trying to build a new audience, attract people that have an interest in XXX animated content but don’t know where to find it.”

Anything is Possible

As anyone who grew up on the Roadrunner and Coyote know, anything is possible in the world of animation. It’s a freedom that has not been lost on Adult Time’s animation creators — or their fans.

“The fans most likely like the same thing that appealed to us in the first place: the lack of limitations,” Stacy told YNOT. “While our animated content does follow the same legal guidelines as our live-action content, we can go a lot more crazy with body types, pairings, and settings. In the first season of Hentai Sex School, one of the teacher is a giantess and F.U.T.A. Sentai Squad is all about robots and monsters — it’s all stuff you could not easily do in live-action porn.”

Unburdened by the law of physics and male sexual performance, Adult Times’ animated characters enjoy sexual stamina unavailable to their human counterparts.

“The sky is pretty much the limit regarding our characters and where we want to take our stories,” said Stacy. “We can also plan the sex exactly how we want it: erections are never ending, people can cum multiple times, on command, have sex on any surface or any position. Fans get to see things that they can normally only imagine!”

Still a Niche

At present, Adult Time is still building viewership for its animated content.

“Only a portion of our audience currently watch animated scenes, but it’s normal as we just started producing them,” Stacy said. “We never built that audience before.”

Not everyone is enamored with adult animation.

“It’s been polarizing: Fans of traditional porn will dismiss it as immature or pejoratively refer to it as ‘cartoons’ – which inspired us to use the ‘Not your typical Saturday morning cartoons’ tagline for promotion,” said Stacy. As well, “When you have a platform like Adult Time that groups together many series, studios, channels and genres, the problem is that people are assuming that you are taking away resources from what they like to create new products. So, no matter how popular a new series, someone will feel this money would have been better spent on more Mommy’s Girl episodes.”

This being the case, Adult Time is content to let its animated content attract its own fans over time.

“It’s easier for us to grow a new audience through acquiring new members than to try convincing existing members to give a try to something so drastically different,” Stacy noted. “It works when it’s something adjacent to their preferences. Some of our family roleplay fans have grown to love AgentRed’s content on the platform, because the content explores similar themes they like. We also saw in recent surveys that fans of trans content are enjoying futanari content (female-looking characters with both male and female sexual organs), even though it’s not the same thing.”

“One interesting thing we did notice though is the high reach of animated content, meaning that people will click on it,” he added. “Doesn’t mean they will like it, but the curiosity is there.”

Committed to Animation

Despite these growing pains, Adult Time is seeing sufficient traction with animated porn that it is sticking with the medium.

“We are just about to launch a second season of Hentai Sex School in October and we recently greenlit the production of more episode for F.U.T.A. Sentai Squad,” said Frank Stacy. “I am also working at the moment with other people in the company to develop our first gay animated series, which will also be available on Adult Time once it’s ready probably early in 2022. We have plenty of ideas on where we can take the adult animation genre in the next few years!”

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