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April 28, 2021

Commentary: The Psychology and Future of Goddess Worship

Those of us in the sex industry are familiar with the fact that one's sexual preferences are often shaped by the role occupied in one's daily life. The CEO rules the boardroom but returns to his hotel room to be spanked and cursed out by a dominatrix. She gives him the freedom from responsibility that he so desperately craves. The guy frying chicken at Popeye's goes home after a long day of answering to his shift leaders and managers, and revels in the fact that his partner must call him 'Master' in the bedroom. The same fact applies to not only jobs, but ideological leanings. Especially those concerning the sexes. As explained by Zack Beauchamp in a 2019 Vox article, the involuntary celibate community began in the 1990s as a supportive online home for men and women struggling with fostering romantic and sexual connection with others. In recent years, we have seen an alarming rise in extremism within the incel, or involuntary celibate, movement. Many incels harbor intensely misogynistic views toward women and feel such visceral entitlement to female bodies and space that they believe a woman's consent is not a necessary ingredient in a sexual encounter. They are also incensed at today's socially liberal attitudes, especially when those attitudes enable women to benefit financially. #ThotAudit, anyone? Now place that ideological leaning in the context of the psychosexual phenomenon I mentioned earlier. Just as some very religious people secretly enjoy engaging in religious blasphemy in their sex life, I wonder: how many of these seething misogynists are secretly desiring to exhibit the opposite sentiment? Enter goddess worship. Although most religious people today worship male deities, this was not the case for the early part of human history. From 25,000 B.C. to 500 A.D., religions all over the world were centered around a female deity known simply as the "Great Goddess." Over time, matriarchal religions were replaced with those centered around male deities. This shift has undoubtedly conditioned many men to see themselves as the natural leaders and custodians of women. So what does this have to do with growing misogynistic sentiment among some men? Recall what I mentioned regarding the polarity of public roles and outwardly espoused values, and sexual kinks. Would it be a stretch to imagine that many misogynists, including self-identified 'incels', privately worship women? It seems paradoxical, until one considers the consequences of control. Authority in any form becomes exhausting when one wields a lot of it. Misogyny is founded on the principle that women are inferior and should only exist under male control. Therefore, it is only natural that many harboring that mindset would seek an opposite dynamic behind closed doors. The more misogynistic someone is, the more authority he assumes over women and exhausts himself, which leads him to crave greater relief from that self-imposed burden of authority. And what fetish will he be drawn to in order to achieve said relief? Goddess worship. If these sentiments intensify in the coming years, more and more men will quietly seek out sexual encounters centered around goddess worship. One might wonder, wouldn't goddess worship be an affront to their egos? If they were required to openly worship women, then it absolutely would bruise them. However, these men would never let go of their belief in their superiority, as it is a large part (and sometimes the foundation) of their identity. Like a CEO who would never give up the power and pay-based perks of his or her position, these men would never give up their superiority complex toward the so-called 'weaker sex.' The price of that desperate clinging is an exhaustion that can only be relieved by taking on a role that places the misogynist in submission to a woman. The brain tends to shape our sexual proclivities in order to fill psychological needs, and so he would find himself deriving sexual gratification from his own submission to a superior feminine force. He would crave the feeling of powerlessness against her beauty, intelligence, and overall essence as a woman. He would need to feel that he does not exist outside of her, as though she manifested him from her rib. Anything to alleviate the burden, even if it means crushing his ego. I would love a behind-the-scenes, statistical look at how many men run to goddess worship for relief. I bet the numbers will skyrocket. Curious about goddess worship? Anyone interested in engaging in goddess worship with me can view my links and contact information here. Melania May is a content creator on AVN Stars.  

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