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September 08, 2020

Op-Ed: Priscila Magossi On Updates to New Camming Perspective

“Know all the theories, master all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul be just another human soul.” — C.G.Jung When the world is not the way we feel it should be, there are two things we can do: (1) settle down and stay in the comfort zone or (2) stand up for what we believe and [try to] make the difference — acknowledging the conflicts that will come in place until people get used to new practices. New Camming Perspective (NCP) puts forward a new business strategy and a sophisticated training program for models targeting female empowerment and the humanization of the practices of the sector. The main idea is to contain some of the harm in the camming scene. It can be put into practice by individuals and companies that desire to stand out as socially responsible.  Short piece on the updates The NCP has been going through a lot lately. We have taken the time and set off to change things in the project and the site a bit. The first change is the layout itself: a more modern look with a more objective distribution of the information, making it easier to find what you are looking for.  We have reflected upon our role to empower models that had no place under the spotlight until this moment because they did not fit into the traditional conception of camming, which is only related to sexual activity. The NCP approach defines camming as an interactive online streaming of intimate moments that offers companionship (and other emotions as well). Thus, the services of consultancy were reorganized — directed to models and businesses — to better suit this audience. In operational terms, the NCP Training Program uses social sciences to optimize earnings and stimulate returning customers by relying on the human need for (1) Building Connections through the (2) Social Aspect of Camming when in touch with the (3) Social Traffic. The sum of these factors leads to the idea of the (4) Mainstream Camming: the humanization of this market segment. It is not a one-fits-all programme, every specific need can be addressed to reach the desired results. For Models: •Branding  —  developing one's image strategically (choosing stage name, defining style, writing up profile texts, assisting with photographs choices, customizing the scenario, social media management).  •Theoretical knowledge — understanding the camming industry backstage, understanding the psychosocial implications of the job •Applied knowledge — acquiring the necessary competence to captivate affective connections, personal crisis management •General Support — referring payment solutions, executive secretary, therapy, English lessons, visual designer, accounting, specialized law services. For Business: •Research — producing tailor-made studies using academic style and precision •Training Program — providing training solutions for (premium) studios interested in developing their social bonds competences •Consultancy & Representation — Providing local host representative for businesses that are interested in investing in the Brazilian market.    •Writer, Spokesperson & Show Host — cultural capital to deliver outstanding texts, and presentations for business in English & Portuguese.  This change has led to a higher demand of models interested in getting to know about this new understanding of camming. Throughout this year, 2020, NCP has concentrated its efforts on the Brazilian market and the feedback has been really positive. This can be noticed, even in the business strategies and marketing campaigns of the Brazilian platforms that clearly appear to have become more humane, for instance:

1) They did away with the 72 hours marathon, which were quite common in the country to demand them to work nonstop for 3 days in order to qualify for the prize ($25). This practice had been commonplace in the country for 7 years. It ended following the NCP models' public demand for working conditions. Their request was carried out. 2) Furthermore, all social media posts that treated models as objects were removed and in their place, there were posts where the charisma and intelligence of the models were the focus.  3) Marketing campaigns require users to greet the models, as well as say “hello” when they come in and “bye” before they leave. All of these achievements motivate us to keep on working hard because camming in Brazil is still a relatively new work position; the chance to make it different is really viable.  All of this impact has echoed in the mainstream media and that is when the NCP gained momentum in the country as a social movement that is contributing to make this world more humane. That is why on our site, you will find as partners not only media outlets from the industry, but also scientific research organizations, human-rights and pro democracy associations, that are providing support to reach our goals. Because of the influence on the changes on the local platforms, and also on the mainstream media piece, and specially following requests from the Brazilian models, it has become necessary to provide a Portuguese non-automatic translation on the site.    The NCP team The NCP has as one of its main roles, to value the models and to show the industry that they can be much more than content producers, they should be work partners. All things considered, our team is made up of currently active models that are engaged strong women who stand up for their rights and beliefs, who have a great deal of autonomy and do not desire to only follow orders. In our team, we can count on our Model Representative, Juliana Villegas, who is the face of the models of project and has been doing such a great job setting the example by being really professional, conducting her job as a career, paying a lot of attention to detail, learning and teaching other models the trick of the trade regarding fetish themes — non nude.  The collaboration of ManuCherryBomb is such a great value to the NCP because she is brilliant minded and always ready to stand up for the values of the Project, promoting it in the Brazilian market. We are proud to be a team that shares common values and wishes to impact others' lives in positive ways — without neglecting critical reflexion, as well. Besides, there is NCP’s support that provides other services in a partnership with Cosmo Payment, providing payment solutions. In spite of the Brazilian market being a profitable and developing market, there has never been much interest from the industry to notice and then adapt to the local needs. Isn’t it strange that following 20 years of camming, it has never thrived in Brazil properly? The biggest issue has always been the payment method and the forms that have to be filled out, because Brazilian models do not have the documents which are fairly common elsewhere in the world. So, our partnership has made the form process more simple, according to local necessities, decreasing the cost of shipping the card. Recently, a partnership has been made with a local bank to transfer wirelessly for a lower cost. Another achievement for NCP this year has seen is the release of the book: “Ritualidades e Vida Cotidiana na Cultura Digital” (In a direct translation: “Ritualities and everyday life in digital culture”), written by the author/CEO of the NCP, Priscila Magossi. The overall idea is that we live in a world where oppression, objectification and dehumanization are naturalized as ritualities of our everyday life, especially in social media. What this means is that it is fairly common to reduce everyone to a commodity with whom a relationship can provide advantages. When this happens, the subjectivity, complexity and personal differences cease to exist. The only thing that matters is the perceived value of the person as an object in any market segment. Final Considerations In academia citing every single source is required. This leads to a situation where inevitably brilliant people and ideas are acknowledged sooner or later, according to the impact in its scientific field. Nevertheless, academia works with a theoretical perspective, despite allowing one to earn recognition, is not capable of affecting people's lives directly as heavily as the business does.  The NCP acts in a market segment in which the source of the ideas/business strategies/ concepts/ etc. do not matter to anyone. Yet the outcome of the actions affect everyone. That is why it is likely that the effort of an entire life of effort might not ever be directly recognized, even though many are reaping the benefits of this struggle. Having said that, we know the stones we are stepping on and deduce what to expect from now on. Our perspectives are solid and what we seek to achieve is clear because we do not work for direct recognition, but because of values, which is to humanize the camming scene.  ABOUT THE AUTHOR Priscila Magossi is a Brazilian journalist (Mackenzie-SP), Master and Ph.D. in Communication and Semiotics (PUC-SP), and a scientific researcher (ABCIBER/CENCIB-SP). Magossi’s intellectual production lies in the field of Communication and extends into media theories and virtual culture, with an emphasis on the dynamics of social bonds in post-modern society. Regarding her main activities in the camming industry, Magossi is the author of the New Camming Perspective (NCP): (1) a formal study about camming that also looks into the porn industry, the mainstream media, and social behavior in order to draw conclusions; (2) a struggle for human rights in Adult Entertainment Industry; (3) a training program for premium models.

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