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January 11, 2020

Donald Trump Fans Banned From Getting Porn Fix in Reddit Forums

The internet message board Reddit is home to one of the most active and extreme online groups of Donald Trump supporters, /r/The_Donald. The forum is so ardently pro-Trump that it has been the recipient of Russian, Trumpian propaganda for several years, according to a Buzzfeed report.  But elsewhere on Reddit, Trump fans are not made to feel nearly as welcome—on several popular porn forums, for example. According to a report published Thursday by, the moderator of such Reddit porn storehouses as r/theratio, and r/toocuteforporn was so outraged by Trump’s drone strike attack that killed a top Iranian military leader last week, he has now laid down a blanket ban on all Trump fans. “Trump supporters are now banned, permanently. This rule comes courtesy of the war he just started to cover up his crimes at home,” wrote moderator luxlutheran. “Now every single lying, traitorous, cowardly fascist that supports him isn't just a disgusting human being—now they're murderers too.” The r/theratio is dedicated to nude and explicit photos of women whose “ratio” of bust and waist measurements appears to be approximately 1:1. The r/toocuteforporn subreddit is dedicated to nude photos of women deemed “too cute” to take part in porn. The moderator told Vice that the Iran incidents were merely the last straw, as he has been looking for reasons to ban Trump fans. He also said that he has banned “alt-right” redditors from his porn forums previously. He said the he can reliably identify the right-wing extremists by the tone of their comments. “Alt-right insults to women are oddly-specific,”  luxlutheran said. “They hate tattoos, for example, and are likely to call the girls 'whores.’” Of course, why Trump fans are hanging out in internet porn forums in the first place is also a good question, given that—as has reported—some leading Trump backers are now pushing him to lead a new “war on porn,” seeking to impose a ban or at least heavy government restrictions on sexually explicit content. Photo By Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff / Wikimedia Commons 

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